Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How To Use My Reebok Precision Heart Rate Monitor

Officially gay: Miriam Meckel and Anne Will

was very simple then it suddenly. A simple "yes" to the already thousands of times previously asked question of the nature of their relationship have Miriam Meckel and Anne Will carry your private partnership in the spotlight.

congratulations and thanks to Ms. Will and Ms. Meckel, finally, the list of live lesbians hidden shorter!

That the press in recent days could not let go of the issue shows how much our society is political in the private otherness.

consternation light, when it comes to the large number of "not wanting to know" that led to the unwelcome place ueberblaettern articles rather rant and believe that the interested but largely unexplained and heteronormative PA delivered readers living in Buxtehude & Co, does not exist - I think he then compared for the majority. albeit belatedly - - Message of women Meckel and Will a big step for a company that has in the future with more rather than less diverse backgrounds, beliefs and lifestyles to deal

exactly why that is.

an eternity right end 10 days after the "outing" and more than 50 pages more or less qualified comments and SZ-online readers have little discreetly, that homosexual lifestyles in modern German society not long ago entered the mainstream are much less widely accepted. Nevertheless feel themselves apparently compelled many readers, just to argue this. And probably are thinking of themselves and their neighbors in Kreuzberg, Soho or the East Village. Very representative.

The events of last week are once again a plea for more visibility of various life forms, even if to a mini-series about beautiful women professors or media-power women must be published!


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